
Concept of profile groups

In MangoAIO, all profiles are stored inside profile groups; there are no individual profiles. You can create profile groups as shown in the animation below. Inside a profile group, you can create profiles yourself or import them through a profile export of a billing converter such as Kodai Essentials or AYCD Billing Converter. You can also export your profile via CSV and JSON.

If you assign a profile group to a task, a random profile from that group is chosen every time the task starts. There are no specific profiles. If you would like to use one profile per task, simply activate one checkout per profile via the “OCPP” button. You can deactivate it by clicking the button again.

Creating Profiles

Creating a profile in MangoAIO is straightforward and similar to other bots. We recommend creating one profile within our GUI, exporting the profiles as a CSV, and adding the other profiles in your CSV editor. Once you have finished creating your profiles, simply import the CSV file again.

In MangoAIO, it is important to note that you should not enter your house number in the “Apt/Suites” field on any site. Instead, you must enter your house number in the “Number” field.

Randomize Feature

MangoAIO’s randomize feature lets you create unique profiles without the need to import dozens of profiles just to have different shipping information such as name, phone number, or email.

To use this feature, simply tick the Random button for the First Name, Last Name, Email, or Phone Number fields. The first and last names provided are typically based on the local language. For example, if you select Germany, the bot will use German first and last names.

If you want to use a random email with your catchall, click the RANDOM button and replace CATCHALL.COM (which is just an example) with your own catchall domain.

If you want your data to start or end with three random letters, enter “XXX” before or after your name or address in the respective profile fields. The bot will choose three random letters every time a task is started and add them to the beginning or end of your name or address.


Importing and exporting profiles in MangoAIO is easy and straightforward.

If you have received profiles from someone or made changes to your profiles in an external billing profile software, simply click the “Import” button in a profile group, select your profiles file, and all your profiles should appear. If you prefer to edit your profiles in a CSV and import them later, create one profile in our bot, export it as a CSV, and add the remaining profiles in your CSV editor.

The same process applies for exporting your profiles. You can share your profiles by clicking the “Export” button inside a task group, and all of your profiles in that group will be exported to a file in JSON or CSV format.

Card Payment

There are two possibilities of doing credit card payments in MangoAIO.

1. Full Auto Checkout

This mode is utilized on sites like BSTN, SNS, WoodWood or Naked. The bot uses the card you provided inside of the profile you are currently using.

2. Manual Card Checkout

This mode is exclusive to Kickz. Although the payment method is labeled “Card” in the task creation window, it does not use the card information from your profile. Once the checkout is complete, a link will be sent to your webhook, and you will have to manually enter your card information.

3Ds Processing

Not all card providers are supported by MangoAIO on every site. If you use an unsupported card provider, your 3DS verification will fail, and you won’t be able to pay for your order. You can find the list of supported card providers for each site in the site-specific guides. If you want to use a particular card provider on a site that is not supported, you can request its addition by opening a ticket. If you accidentally close the 3DS verification window, you won’t be able to use the manual payment link from Discord for 5 minutes, which is the time the 3DS request is pending. After the 5 minutes, you can use the manual checkout link again, but only if the cart still has carthold left.

Last updated