Task Groups

Concept of Task Groups

Task groups are a fundamental part of MangoAIO. They are essential for helping you keep track of the tasks you have created and the ones that are currently running. They are easy to understand and are key to managing your bot effectively. There are two types of task groups you can choose from when creating one: Monitor and Task.

Group Type: Monitor Task groups with the Monitor type act as a watchdog. When running, they detect restocks and send the information to the running tasks with the Task type. It is recommended to run the same number of tasks as the number of products you are monitoring.

Group Type: Task Task groups with the Task type are designed to be sleepers. When a running task with the Monitor type detects a restock, it will send a notification to these tasks with the product that just restocked. If the tasks are not able to add the product to the cart, they will stop after 2-3 attempts and go back to sleeping.

Using these two types of task groups will help you catch every restock, minimize proxy data usage, and allow your bot to run for weeks without needing to change your setup. You only need to run a few Monitor tasks 24/7.

Creating a task group

The animation above shows how easily you can create a new task group. You can name the group whatever you like, but please refer to the store-specific guides for correct input instructions.

Different views

There are two possible group views:

The first view is the Site view. In this view, all task groups are grouped together and sorted according to their respective site. You can expand a site’s view to see all the task groups created for that site.

The second view is the Group view. It lists all of your task groups. Since the site icon is not visible in this view, it is suggested to include the site’s name in the group name, for example: Overkill - Futurecraft 4D

In the animation above, you can see how to switch between views.

Deleting a task group

Deleting task groups is straightforward, and there are two ways to do it:

  1. You can delete an entire site group by right-clicking on the site and selecting Delete. This action will delete all task groups associated with the site.

  2. In the task group view, you can hover over a task group and click on the delete icon.

Helpful Feature: Running task groups are color highlighted, simply check for task groups with a green mark and stop them as soon as you don`t need them anymore.

Last updated