
In the settings page you will find the most important properties you need to set to properly use the bot.

License information: Displays your license’s expiry and when your next renewal payment is due. Additionally you can also reset your machine binding, which can be done through the Discord bot too.

Delay: Changes the retry delay for all tasks, amount is in ms. You can also open a small delay window by clicking the small icon from the left.

QuickTasks / Discount Hub: Opens up the bot’s QuickTask & Discount Hub settings​

Webhook URL: Input your Discord webhook URL, use the test button to check if everything is set up correctly.


  • Captcha Settings: opens the Captcha Hub

  • Export: saves your entire bot’s data to a file in JSON format

  • Import: used to load all exported bot data

  • Enable Logging: This will enable logging until the next restart

  • Reset Settings: deletes all bot data, start fresh, use with caution

If you want to know more about “Enable Logging”, please visit this page.

Last updated