Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension


The installation is very easy, head over to our #download channel in the Discord server, click the link and the download will start automatically. The process is the same for Windows and MacOS.

  1. Unpack the zip archive that you just downloaded

  2. Enabled developer mode in chrome://extensions/

  3. Click load unpacked extension

  4. Select the folder that you extracted from the zip archive

  5. Enable the extension

  6. Open the pinned view for Chrome extensions and select the needle next to the MangoAIO extension


If the bot successfully checked out and you have a payment link in your webhook/bot, open it with Google Chrome and a page like this should open up:

As mentioned on the website already, you need to click the extension’s icon once (per link) and you should be forwarded to the respective payment page.​ Due to the fact that manual payment links, as well as cart links (on Panagora sites: SNS, WoodWood, Soto and Naked), only work temporarily, all extension links become invalid after 12 hours.

Common Issues

  • Access denied/Cloudflare Block: Your local ip is flagged, this usually happens when you are trying to checkout on your server.

Last updated