

Monitor Input: PID (FOUND AT THE END OF THE PRODUCT LINK) Mode: Cart Preload Normal Wait (Preload) Generate Account Payment Methods: Cart (Supports PP & CC) Supported 3Ds: Revolut Curve Bunq Specific Sizing Support: True Force Start Support: False Different Billing/Shipping Support: False Recommended Proxies: Residentials Recommended Delay: ~1000

How to run Asos

Asos module has fully ACO checkout with every credit card possible. You can run every region, also US and CA. Based on your region you will also have to choose different currencies. Login sessions are as long as three months valid, please generate accounts prior to rumored restocks and run an OOS product to prepare your login sessions. When logging in, you will have to solve a captcha. The only available mode Normal should be used for initial drops and restocks throughout the day.

In addition you can also run Cart mode as you used to ran, it will sent a cart url to your webhook which can be checked out manual.

Error Codes / Possible Errors

Error fetching costumer: The account details could not be fetched by the bot.

Error setting region: The bot failed to set the region, it will retry.

Processing Error: Payment has been refused after solving 3Ds, you card provider declined the transaction

(…) Conn: the request failed, this can either be caused by the website not responding or due to proxy connectivity issues

Error: the request failed, this can either be caused by the website not responding or due to proxy connectivity issues

Unknown Error (…): Open a ticket in the Discord server and post the error code

Last updated