

Monitor Input: Product Link Mode: Generate Account Normal Prelogin Monitor Payment Methods: Default (of your account) Specific (Invoice, Vorkasse, PayPal) Accounts: Random Specific Pool Generate (REQUIRED) Specific Sizing Support: False Force Start Support: False Different Billing/Shipping Support: False Used Checkout Data: Account Data Recommended Proxies: Fast ISPs/DCs Recommended Delay: ~1000

Recommendations / Knowledge

Otto requires accounts and is very strict about jigging as they use filters to check your address. You need to verify accounts manual now. We do not recommend to generate huge amounts of accounts on one address / name. You can always cancel test orders by yourself in the specific accounts, but many unpaid/cancelled orders will most likely flag you. New accounts don`t have access to the payment method Invoice, but Mango has a fallback payment method (PayPal) which will always be used for checkouts if another payment method fails. Invoice / Vorkasse are reserved checkouts, once your webhook posts your order is successful and you need to pay it in the account. The APT field is not available for Otto, using it will result in issues.

  • Monitor mode is running server-side, you do not have to waste proxies when running this mode. Available Inputs are: ps5_remote – Monitors PS Portal product

  • Prelogin mode logs into your Otto accounts and waits until you change input, it will then act like Normal mode.

  • Normal mode will directly try to checkout without waiting/prelogging, but we strongly recommend to run Monitor mode.

Error Codes / Possible Errors

(…) Connection Error: the request failed, this can either be caused by the website not responding or due to proxy connectivity issues

Invalid Checkout (Account): the order can not be processed as an invalid address is setup in your account

Error Submitting Order: no payment method has been selected

(…) [404]: the requested page is unavailable

(…) [Adding Address failed]: Unable to add your shipping address to account

Unknown Error (…): Open a ticket in the Discord server and post the error code

Invalid Account: If this issue ever happens to you, please export your accounts, delete the accounts out of the account group and import the old accounts again.

Waiting for account: Please restart your bot, this should fix this error.

Last updated