

Monitor Input: Product URL PID(157178003) SizePID Mode: Normal Fast (Preload) Wait (Preload) Generate Account Payment Methods: Card (Manual) Klarna iDeal Accounts: Disabled Random Specific Pool Specific Sizing Support: True Force Start Support: True Different Billing/Shipping Support: True Used Checkout Data: Profile Data Recommended Proxies: ISPs/DCs Recommended Delay: ~1000

You can run Multi-Base-Pid and Multi-Size-Pid across all modules with PIDs as input!

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How to run Kickz

Kickz rarely schedules releases, but rather only restocks shoes they raffled at random times, these restocks tend to sell out fast. It is very common that during a drop the site will lag terribly, every step will assumably take 10x longer compared to running a test task; just run as many tasks as possible and wait for the bot to do its work. The bot always tries to preload the checkout first, this is normal and intended, it will then try to check out the item supplied as an input, if the item is still set to release, the bot will pick the timer and start the task shortly ahead of its release. You can skip a cooldown if you Force Start a task. After few requests your IP gets akamai flagged and it takes time until it unflagged again, do not run Kickz 24/7 with DCs.

  • We recommend to run Sleeper tasks to monitor your desired products and have running Wait mode tasks. After the “Watchdog” recognizes the restock, it will be sent to all running Wait mode tasks. Use MultiSizePID only as input as most proxies won`t be able to fetch sizes with base pid as input. Run with guest checkout and choose Disabled in the account drop down menu

  • Sleeper mode is based on the known Watchdog system. One task will monitor the product availability and once it detects a restock, it will be sent to any stopped/not started Sleeper mode tasks or to running Wait mode tasks. This will heavily reduce data usage while still being able to detect restocks immediately.

  • Wait mode should be used for restocks when you don`t know which shoes are dropping. The bot will let the task sleep until you change the input of the tasks. The wait mode precarts an item and prepares the checkout, so if there is a snipes restock, just change the input to the PID/SizePID and the bot will try to checkout.

  • Generate mode is for generating accounts at Kickz

Kickz module has an automatic discount support meaning that the bot will try to add discount codes to your checkout fully automatic.

Error Codes / Possible Errors

(…) Connection Error: the request failed, this can either be caused by the website not responding or due to proxy connectivity issues

Generating Session (Looping): your proxies are are blocked from generating Akamai, consider switching your provider

(…) [404]: the requested page is unavailable

(…) [502]: Kickz's servers are under heavy load, it will take longer for requests to complete

(…) [500]: Kickz could not process the sent request accordingly

Switching Preload Item: the item used to prepare the checkout went out of stock, the bot automatically picks a new one

Unknown Error (…): Open a ticket in the Discord server and post the error code

Last updated