Inbot Quicktasks

If you would like to launch QuickTasks inside of the bot, you should first make sure to have everything configured. In the settings of the bot, you can find a QuickTasks / Discount Hub section, click the Manage button to open up the respective settings page. If you start quicktasks and the bot currently has running Wait mode tasks, it will utilize this to checkout the product.

Available settings to configure:

Default Profile Group: Defines the default profile group which is used to checkout

Default Proxy Group: Defines the default proxy group which is used to checkout

Task Amount: Defines the amount of quicktasks

Auto Start: Defines if quicktasks start automatically or not

Default quicktasks settings are used for any site, but you can customize your quicktasks settings even more by clicking on the orange Customize button. Both buttons will open a respective menu.

Specific Site Settings

Default Payment Methods

Default Profile Groups

Default Proxy Groups

As soon as you chose a custom profile/proxy group for a specific site, it will always override the default quicktask settings.

Last updated