Captcha Hub

Managing the Captcha Hub

You can find the Captcha Hub in the bot’s settings. In there you can add your provider api keys, view your key’s balance, set your provider and view your current solving statistics. The bot will automatically fetch your current balance for every saved key. If the balance from one of your captcha keys falls below 1$, you will be notified when starting the bot via a inbot notification.

In the dropdown menu from Select Service you can define which captcha service MangoAIO should use for captcha solving. You can either choose specific provider or choose Advanced (All). Advanced will request a captcha solve from every captcha service with a valid key. This can be pretty advantageous if you need many captchas in a short amount of time, for instance on SNS restocks. If you intend to run for longer periods of time, this mode can decrease you balance pretty fast. Use it only if you are aware of the effects.

Usage Statistics

While MangoAIO is handling captcha request your captcha bank`s values will update.

Total Solved – the amount of total solved captchas Solving – the amount of captchas that are currently pending and requested from your tasks Bank – the captchas that can be used by your tasks. Google reCAPTCHAS are valid for two minutes, the bot will check automatically if there are captchas older than that and deletes them.

Manual Harvester

You can open the manual captcha harvester via that button.

The manual captcha harvester is accessible through the small bar in the bottom of MangoAIO. You can solve captcha manually without and 3rd party service. As soon as you open it, you will notice that you always have to configure the settings you wish.

Start by choosing the site you are currently running and you would like to solve captchas for. Secondly, you can add a google account. To add an account you first need to click the + button and assign a name to the account. Then, select it from the Captcha Account dropdown and click the Google icon. A browser will open up in which you need to sign in with your Google account. Once done, close the window. In case you are using captcha activity services with proxies, it is highly advised to set the proxy in the solver as well which is used for harvesting. This increases the chances of getting easier captchas enormously.

Last updated